Fun and adventure await...
Apple Blossom Village is a unique sports and recreational
complex nestled among to rolling hills of beautiful Mt. Bethel,
Pennsylvania. Once Shoemaker's Apple Orchard, 95 acres of unspoiled
farmland is the perfect retreat for young and old alike to relax
and enjoy a day of good clean fun.
Apple Blossom Village is a family-oriented facility
with something to offer for every age and activity level.
It can be a pleasurable and affordable experience for families to
get away and spend the day together.
Those who arrive will find a pleasant surprise!
Plenty of fresh air and sunshine, miles and miles of green earth,
cornfields and apple trees and a host of friendly farm animals clamoring
to be met.
Expect an unexpected change of pace. Take a leisurely
stroll through the countryside, delight in a game of chance and
be prepared to welcome a sporting challenge. There is so much
to do and see! Our wagon master gives guided tours of the entire
Village on our very own Apple Blossom Express, pulled by a team
of spectacular Clydesdale horses.
Apple Blossom Village Brochure
Family Fun Brochure
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